The Giston Area Neighbourhood Plan underwent independent examination by Christopher Lockhart-Mummery QC between October 2020 and February 2021.
You can now download and read the full Examiner’s Report. The QC’s one page summary is reproduced below.
I was appointed by East Herts District Council (the Council) to carry out the independent examination of the Gilston Area Neighbourhood Plan 2020-2033.
The examination was carried out between October 2020 and February 2021. It was undertaken by considering all documents submitted to me, including Regulation 16 Representations. I held a hearing on 19 November 2020. I undertook a site view on 11 January 2021.
I find the NP is based on extensive community engagement, well researched supporting evidence, and subject to matters set out in the Report provides an appropriate set of local policies.
I issued Examiner’s Note 2 on 26 October 2020, stating three serious concerns I then
had as to compliance with Basic Condition (a). The third concern fell away, but concerns 1 and 2 remained.
Following the hearing, the Neighbourhood Plan Group (NPG) submitted a revised NP, Much of the revised material had been subject to full discussion at the hearing. The December 2020 Edits document was given full publicity, and representations were submitted. This document overcame my first and second concerns, and effected other significant improvements.
Subject to Recommended Modifications in the Report, including the substitution of the December 2020 Edits for the submitted NP, I conclude that the NP meets the Basic Conditions and other statutory requirements, and I recommend that it proceed to referendum.
I further recommend that the referendum area should be extended to include the whole of the Parish of Hunsdon.
The full examination – including all formal correspondence – remains available on our dedicated Independent Examination page and also at the East Herts Council website.