East Herts District Council elections May 2023 – Hunsdon Ward
Four open questions from the Hunsdon Eastwick & Gilston Neighbourhood Plan Group to all candidates about the proposed Development of 10,000 houses in this Ward. As you will know, the EHC District Plan 2018 released hundreds of acres of Green Belt in the Ward for at least 3,000 houses up to 2033 and 7,000 afterwards.
East Herts Council has this year granted outline planning permission and increased the numbers pre 2033 to 4,700 houses. HEGNPG on behalf of their Parish Councils and other parties have requested the Secretary of State, Michael Gove, to “call-in” that decision so that the plans can be properly reassessed at a Public Inquiry.
- Have you supported the community on this Call-In and will you continue to do so, if elected. How will you do this? If you do not support us, please say why.
- If elected, how will you try to influence the delivery of the Gilston project over your term in office?
- Please tell us about your experience in shaping major developments.
- What do you see as the biggest three risks and what are the three biggest gains from this development?
Questions and responses will be published on our website and neighbourhood sites/local press.
Anthony Bickmore, Chairman NPG
24th April 2023