NPG responds to HGGT Transport Strategy Consultation

The Hunsdon, Eastwick and Gilston Neighbourhood Plan Group (NPG) has issued its response to the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Transport Strategy consultation.

The NPG states in its conclusions:

  • Overall the M11 growth corridor has always had a lack of sustainable transport and investment. The strategy does not make reference to this wider context of movement; surely it should?
  • The strategy does not reference the things that are not working well in Harlow and so the need for an approach to fix the deficits. Our concern is that without that analysis the existing failings will be repeated.
  • The strategy assumes that the new developments will achieve the modal shift without providing the connecting ‘link’ to how developments will be delivered by developers to achieve this ambition.
  • The strategy contains proposals that will greatly harm this community without any analysis of the options or environmental assessments of the consequences of these proposals; we fail to understand how these omissions can be tolerated by the HGGTB.
  • The strategy requires significant further work and following that a fresh consultation.

You can read the response in full here.

NPG responds to the Village 7 application

The Hunsdon, Eastwick and Gilston Neighbourhood Plan Group (NPG) has issued its response to the Village 7 Outline Planning Application from City and Provincial Properties.

The NPG has objected to the application, stating:

While the community recognises that the OPA includes some positive proposals, such a safer junction on the A414, and shops and possible health services in the village, local people also raise a number of very strong concerns about the proposed development.

For this reason, the Parish Councils and their communities feel it necessary to express its overall objection to this outline planning application for Village 7 of the Gilston Area as presented in the application.

You can read the response in full here.

NPG responds to the Eastern and Central Crossing detailed applications

The Hunsdon, Eastwick and Gilston Neighbourhood Plan Group (NPG) has issued its response to the detailed planning applications for the Eastern and Central Crossings of the Stort Valley from Places for People.

The NPG has objected to the applications, stating:

The Detailed Applications for the Central and Eastern Crossings are, in our assessment, incomplete and need to be reviewed and better integrated with each other and with proposals in the OPA and wider Gilston Area before being considered again by the community.

The NPG, Parish Councils and their communities feel it necessary to express its overall objection to both detailed applications for the Central and Eastern Crossings of the Stort Valley, as currently submitted.

You can read the response in full here.

NPG responds to Villages 1-6 outline planning application

The Hunsdon, Eastwick and Gilston Neighbourhood Plan Group (NPG) has issued its response to the Villages 1-6 Outline Planning Application from Places for People

The NPG has objected to the application, stating:

The community recognises that the OPA includes some very positive and strong proposals which are to be welcomed.

However, due to the scale and impact of change in the area, we feel that more needs to be done to give the community the confidence they need that the impacts of the proposed development will be adequately mitigated and managed

The Parish Councils and their communities feel it necessary to express its
overall objection to the outline planning application for the 6 new villages.

You can read the response in full here.