We’re aware that the sheer volume of unsorted documents in the recent revised planning applications from developers Places for People has proved difficult to contend with for many.
After we discussed the matter with them, the developers’ consultants Quod have provided us with a smaller set of key documents, and a guide on how to navigate them
We’re still working as hard and as fast as we can to make our own summary of the revisions ready for you ahead of the December 21 deadline.
Tap here for access to the key documents (link now expired), provided by Quod.
We have reproduced the guide below, complete with direct links to each sub-folder of documents.
Village Development Outline Application Amendments:
- Cover Letter – which summarises the main changes to the application and provides a guide to the new documents submitted in the context of those in the original May 2019 application.
- Development Specification – which contains the specifications and standards applying to the residential-led mixed use development, and includes in appendices the Parameter Plans and the detailed plans for the four strategic access points.
- Placemaking Strategy – which sets out Places for People’s vision and strategy for what kind of place the Gilston Park Estate will become.
- Strategic Design Guide – which sets out strategic and village-specific physical design principles to guide the form of future development.
River Crossings Full Application Amendments:
- Cover Letter – which summarises the main changes to the applications and provides a guide to the new documents submitted in the context of those in the original May 2019 application.
- Central Stort Crossing General Arrangement Plan – which sets out in plan form the proposals for the crossing with text boxes to give some narrative on the proposals.
- Eastern Stort Crossing General Arrangement Plan – which sets out in plan form the proposals for the crossing with text boxes to give some narrative on the proposals.
Covers Village Development and River Crossings Application Amendments:
- Environmental Statement Addendum Non-Technical Summary (NTS) – which presents a summary of the findings of the originally submitted Environmental Statement (May 2019) and the new Environmental Statement Addendum covering the environmental impacts of the proposed development across a range of topics and proposed mitigation.
If residents are interested in how Places for People have addressed the comments made in relation to the statutory and public consultation on the May 2019 application, this can be found in these documents which are structured based on East Herts District Council’s response:
Despite our best efforts, the official deadline for comments from the public remains 5pm on Monday, December 21, 2020.
The NPG has managed to secure an extension only for the NPG itself, until January 8, 2021.
Should you be unable to comment on the application prior to the December 21 deadline, we would recommend that you send a copy of your remarks to the NPG so we can include your thoughts in our response.