NPG submits response to further revised Village 7 application

The Hunsdon, Eastwick and Gilston Neighbourhood Plan Group (NPG) has issued its response to the further revised planning application for Village 7 (3/19/2124/OUT).

The NPG has objected to the revised application, stating:

The revisions to the planning application for Village 7 in the Gilston Area raise serious cause for concern, especially as it appears that none of our previous comments have been addressed and new planning policy documents (the award winning Gilston Area Neighbourhood Plan and the NPPF (July 2021)) have been disregarded.

As a community group widely praised for our spirit of collaboration in the interest of good development, we must note the applicant’s apparent unwillingness to consider what will make the Gilston Area a development known for quality and sustainability for the years to come.

In our previous representation (17th March 2021) we stated that the application was not fit for determination without changes and integrations: there has been ample time for the applicant to address our concerns and it would appear that none of the suggested changes and integrations have been considered.

For this reason, the HEGNPG and the Parish Councils maintain their strong objection to this application and the approach to development it represents.

You can download and read the full response here.