The Hunsdon Eastwick and Gilston Neighbourhood Plan Group (NPG) has submitted its draft Neighbourhood Plan to East Herts Council.
It has been submitted under the statutory procedures, principally Regulation 15.
The submission was accompanied by a map of the area, consultation statement, consultation comments log, and a statement of basic conditions.
We are satisfied that the draft Plan complies with all the relevant statutory requirements and is ready to be submitted for examination by an independent Inspector.
The Neighbourhood Plan builds on the strong foundations provided by the Concept Framework and reflects three years of collaborative working in the Gilston Area between the community, East Herts Council and the landowners/developers.
The NPG has worked intensively over the past 18 months to prepare the draft Plan going beyond the statutory consultation requirements to discuss drafting changes with the Council and landowners/ developers and the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Quality Review Panel since the Reg 14 consultation in September 2019.
We have valued the advice and input provided by East Herts and have amended the draft Plan to reflect the comments received at each stage of the process.
This has helped to make the draft Plan a stronger document and to ensure it is positive and consistent with strategic policies. Full details are provided in the Consultation Statement.
We look forward to confirmation from the Council that the relevant statutory requirements have been met and to discussing details of the timescale going forward for publicising the draft Plan under Regulation 16 and the appointment of the Independent Examiner.